The world of adolescents is profoundly different from the world of either children or adults. I approach adolescents with openness, respect, and curiosity about their worlds. To help them cultivate a sense of self, I show them that I am truly interested in their views, feelings, concerns, and dreams.
I work with girls aged 14 and older. Girls have tremendous pressures on them and are dealing with change on multiple fronts. I provide a supportive place where they can explore their struggles with changing bodies, minds, and social lives. I work with them to develop their own identities within the context of their families, friendships, school, and creative activities. Our therapy relationship nurtures girls’ trust in themselves.
Therapy can help adolescent girls with:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Body image
- Conflicts with parents
- Divorce
- Changing families – new siblings, stepfamilies, deaths
- Ineffective behavior
- Shyness
- Questions of gender, racial, ethnic, religious, sexual, or cultural identity
- Confidence
- Developing dreams and goals